Rich Vs Wealthy

 Many of you FIRE Starters might be wondering what is the difference between the terms Rich and Wealthy. 

 A man starts writing out a letter to his brother. This is how the letter goes.


The Richest Man,



The Wealthiest Man.

A Rich man doesn't necessarily be always wealthy and vice-versa. So here is what it means to be rich and what is means to be wealthy.

Rich means having lot of money to spend. It can be from having high paid job. It can be from winning a lottery, It can be from any source(It has be legal of course).

Wealthy means how long a person can survive with all the expenses if he quits his job/business right now.

lets assume a person's monthly expense is 10,000 rupees. If he has 1,00,000 in his bank account. He is wealthy worth 10 months.

A person can be both rich and wealthy if he has lot of money to spend and that money's source is entirely passive. If its active it will be again termed as Rich. 

As FIRE Starters, OUR GOAL is to be WEALTHY for LIFETIME. 

Coming to the letter of brother written to his counterpart. He termed man as richest because he earns way more Income than anyone else. He didnt call him wealthy because he has just gone through divorce and suffering from bad health. He called himself wealthy because he has a family who loves him and his health was in good shape.


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